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    So here we go.....


    Posts : 1728
    Join date : 2013-09-06

    So here we go..... Empty So here we go.....

    Post by chrebet1024

    Zeemen wonders why controversy follows him around everywhere he goes....and a lot of people dislike the man.

    Because of comments like this.....
    Check out the Chat dialogue that he had with himself about the game between the Jets and the Dolphins.

    --I'm seeing the jets dolphins game. The pass attack vs the Chrebet super zones. Very interesting.
    zeemen again:
    --Got to give dolphins a little credit he playing some man. (This MUST imply I only play zones I guess, especially because after our game this year he claimed he never blitzed and only played "safe" zones)
    zeemen again:
    Well after watching the super zone it's clear that no one can beat the jets. They look great!!!  Guess I'll look towards the draft at this point/

    ....so basically he is claiming something negitive about my game. 

    Which is fine, you can do that.

    below is my defensive playcalling (PLAY BY PLAY), as I charted it after the game ended.  And I have it RECORDED, so if you would like to see the game you can have it by request.

    1st half
    Zone 5 man rush
    Man 5 man rush
    Man 3 man rush
    Zone 5 man rush
    Zone 5 man rush
    Man 4 man rush
    Man 4 man rush
    Zone 3 man rush
    Man 4 man rush
    Man 4 man rush
    Man 3 man rush
    Man 5 man rush
    Zone 5 man rush
    Man 6 man rush
    Zone 3 man rush
    Man 6 man rush
    Man 4 man rush
    Man 5 man rush
    Man 4 man rush
    Zone 5 man rush
    Man 4 man rush
    Zone 4 man rush
    Zone 5 man rush
    Zone 3 man rush
    Zone 5 man rush
    Man 4 man rush
    Man 3 man rush
    Man 4 man rush
    Zone 3 man rush
    Man 3 man rush
    **12 zone, 18 man

    2nd half
    Zone 4 man rush
    Zone 5 man rush
    Man 4 man rush
    Zone 5 man rush
    Zone 5 man rush
    Zone 4 man rush
    Zone 3 man rush
    Zone 6 man rush
    Man 4 man rush
    Zone 4 man rush
    Zone 4 man rush
    Zone 4 man rush
    Zone 4 man rush
    Man 3 man rush
    Zone 3 man rush
    **12 zone, 3 man
    So 24 total zone plays and 21 man plays
    29 plays with 4 or less rushers
    16 Blitzes (5 or 6 rushers)

    .....I mean here's the bottom line....EITHER YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT FOOTBALL ZEEMEN.....OR you let frustration CLOUD YOUR JUDGEMENT.  I think its the latter.  Although you know way less than you THINK you know.

    The thing that people always tell me about you is this......he claims UNSIM on guys when he loses....and he's been suspended multiple times for being UNSIM himself.

    You must have legitimate PROOF or something substantial before you start throwing accusations around.

    Don't fuck with me.  I will post every single one of my games on the website without one care in the world....because I don't give a SHIT about winning or losing.  The one thing I do care about it being called something I'm not.

    And don't claim you weren't saying anything negative...because that 2nd comment about "giving the dolphins credit" says it all.

    .....and yes what I preach is for everybody to VIEW THEMSELVES after hearing a negative claim from somebody else about their game.
    .....so I viewed it, and now I say this..... Zeemen you are lost if you truly think I don't mix it up on defense.
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    Post Thu 02 Jan 2014, 9:26 pm by chrebet1024

    ....meanwhile Zeemen calls 8 or 10 stretches in the 1st half of his game vs the Redskins.

    Can we NOT play these games zeemen? Please?

    Stop throwing accusations around.

    Post Thu 02 Jan 2014, 10:44 pm by Zeemen

    Wow Man U need something to do. I have you a compliment on how great you are and you go off like I said something aweful. Sorry for the compliment. Also I played lots if games all good ones I don't hear anything back from my opponents except gg and some texts about our game. Got to have thick skin it's football bro. I also don't get to spend all day doing madden items. We are thankful that you can though by all means it's great.

    Post Thu 02 Jan 2014, 11:05 pm by chrebet1024

    haha...thick skin huh?  Aren't you the cool cat all of a sudden.

    You give the "UN-SIM speech to everybody that beats you."

    And guys are sick and tired of it.  You're a bad loser.  You CARE SO MUCH about winning and losing when nobody else does.   There's so much evidence there you don't want to go into it.

    you're making yourself look like a bigger joke if you're trying to pass that off as a compliment.

    Last edited by chrebet1024 on Thu 02 Jan 2014, 11:12 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Post Thu 02 Jan 2014, 11:05 pm by chrebet1024

    ....I'm just telling you right now...and please get your THICK SKIN out.....Don't start ANY BULLSHIT.

    Because one BOOT of zeemen...and this league EXPANDS to another 20 more potential owners.  You do realize that right?

    Post Fri 03 Jan 2014, 12:55 am by BurntCabbage

    Just like old times here huh?

    First off, no one is getting booted. You two WILL COEXIST damnit. You both are very good owners and talented players and are good for the league.

    @chrebet. You and zee obviously do not get along. He may have said some things, but what does it matter? Unless i'm watching a video or a video is posted of you playing unsim, then it means absolutely crap. There is no need to get worked up about it, because i'll tell you what.......If you start thinking about this too much, IT WILL affect your play in a future game and probably not for the best. Which maybe is exactly what zee wants. If I were you i would find a way to take those words and turn them into a positive for you. It is very important to me that you a zee attempt to be civil, so hook a bro up?

    @zeemen. I know you. VERY WELL. If the text was laid out like Chrebet says, then all i can say is Compliment my ass! There is no doubt you threw shots at the Jets tonight, which i'm not saying is wrong (I personally love shit talk), but given your history you had to know this would get some shit stirred. I think your a great owner and want to play madden in this league with you till we old men like Otis. Please do me a favor and do your best to coexist with our other commish. It would mean a lot to me.

    The best thing that could happen here is you two turn this into a rivalry. I said earlier that I love shit talk, but not unless it's constructive and positive for the league. The past online spats between you two have been nothing but DESTRUCTIVE. I would hope that they can be more of a good thing this time around. Think me and flybad. We talk crap all the time, but its never in a disrespectful manner....just little shots here and there. Or better yet, me and Robar. That shit was epic....we never stopped slamming each other on the boards. My point is those were some of my best and most fun games and the reason is the relationship I built with those guys and the positive manner in which we handled ourselves. My ultimate dream would be that you two make a nice rivarly out of this, but I would definitely settle for both of you shutting the fuck up and just coexisting too. Your choice.

    Post Fri 03 Jan 2014, 7:11 am by Zeemen

    I know that Chrebet our commish asked us to get on and post and chat did he not? So I go on and talked a little shit which he said was ok to do and second gave him a compliment. It's football! I have no problem not posting I seriously didn't think he would over react. I've been beaten many times and it doesn't bother me as I have said nothing other then gg. Just got beat by broncos owner two weeks ago and we texted about our game at length. We then played again three days ago and I won with same result as far as texting about our game. Maybe the past is what Chrebet is still hung up on not sure but I've moved on. Cabbage I'll leave it to you as far as me being active in posting I won't if you think the commish will not like it. But to think I get booted out of a big boy football league for posting an opinion is a little strange.

    I thank you cabbage for being rational.

    Post Fri 03 Jan 2014, 9:16 am by chrebet1024

    Zeemen...shit talk is one thing...I'm down with it....but claiming somebody is playing the wrong way is totally different.

    so let me ask you this....what would u want me to do when youre throwing accusations around?

    It is NOT good for a league to start throwing accusations around about guys that play the right way. Can't u see that? thats notnshit talk...thats stupid reckless talk.

    Now all I'm doing IS being rational....and here's the reason...with your history of negative actions over the past two years....u must be told right off the bat that shit like this will NOT go down. It divides leagues and creates drama.

    There talking shit...which is great....theres raising sim issues to the league..which is great....and then theres also starting controversy...which is not great....and which is what ur attempting to do.

    if u really wanted a big boy league...u wouldn't give the "unsim speech" to me after we played. Because u know as well as I do that there was no reason for u to give me that speech.

    youre history speaks for itself. It would be IRRATIONAL to not nip this in the but right away...and tell u you're being ridiculous.

    claiming unsim to an owner that is playing sim is NOT SHIT Talk.....its league damaging.

    Post Fri 03 Jan 2014, 9:22 am by chrebet1024

    ....also its completely rational to realize this league would flourish even MORE without you around....considering hownmanh guys wouldn't join on the simple fact that you are in it.

    Coexisting is great....I've been down with it since we started. But don't throw UNFOUNDED accusations around. its a no no...regardless of WHO the owner is. me or anybody else.

    Post Fri 03 Jan 2014, 9:37 am by chrebet1024

    see here's what guys don't wanna have to go through...

    ....when u win a game and afterwards you hear him complaining that u did not mix it up enough on defense....only played a safe man...and never blitzed....thats pretty frustrating when its completely in true and in founded as his frustration gets the better of him.

    is that good for a league? its poison. and everywhere u go Zeemen this happens. so yes a firm warning IS in order.

    ....in additiin ...after wenplayed and he told me these things I said ok I'll take a look at it. kept it between me and him and we went our says. but then I see him having a conversation with himself on the chat CLEARLY taking a shot at me....again completely unfounded.

    you destroy leagues Zeemen....please have a little more insight about urself and how u get I to these toxic situations and change your ways.

    Post Sat 04 Jan 2014, 10:08 am by DarkArchivist

    LMAO!! Ya'll muthaf-----s crazy!! Damn! Okay, being an outsider and new to this game and this league, I don't know the history between you two (zeeman/chrebet) but I wish I was there. @chrebet- when you posted the comments, I really didn't see the diggs.. (Maybe because I'm naive of the history) I thought he was saying that you play great zone defense and that he knows it's gonna be hard to beat you) from my narrow perspective, you guys seem like the top 3-4 players here, so it's only natural to be rivals. I'll be the first to say that I need to look at those rules again more closely. I'm reading some of these posts about SIM and UNSIM, and it's still a blurry cloud to me. I'm all about fair play and will follow the rules the best I can. But I have to say that some things I've seen to me would be considered UNSIM are just "playing ball".. To me, if you play great zone defense,, then play it. If you play great man-D,, then play it. If you run a zone blitzing scheme.. Then do it. Each defense still has pros and cons.. Ray Lews said there's been times they would play a game in one defense the whole game... When Tampa Bay had Warren Sapp, they lived and died by the relentless Tampa 2in some cases not even going to the huddle.. IDK, just shit I was thinking about.

    Post Sat 04 Jan 2014, 5:50 pm by chrebet1024

    Yeah because he texted me after our game earlier in the year and gave the diggs then......then the "at least the Fins are playing some Man" comment is definitely a dig.

    Hey saying that stuff is fine when it is Legit.  This is my point, to have accusations flying around without any evidence....and to do it only because you either lost the game or you feel like doing it, is wrong.

    He's famous for giving the "you play the wrong way" speech after he loses.

    It cannot happen in this league....as kills guy's morale.  It's not a good situation when guys tell me this...."I hate playing zeemen, not because I will lose, but because if I do win, I'll be hearing it from him on how I played THE WRONG WAY."  .....and half the time it's complete bullshit.

    Bringing up discussion points and talking to guys and giving them pointers is is one thing and its GREAT, and I encourage zeemen and everybody else to do it......BUT going past that line of knowing full well its frustration on his part and he must make up a reason of un-sim play, of why he lost is what I'm talking about.  He takes it too far. 

    Nobody minds losing to zeemen, he's a great player......but when people mind playing him because of what they will hear IF they win.....that's a HUGE ISSUE.

    Not gonna happen in these leagues.

    Post Sat 04 Jan 2014, 6:09 pm by BurntCabbage

    Damnit Dark, you just had to dig up this thread huh? Twas almost buried  Mad 

    This is the most pointless thread ever. There is nothing to see here........

    .....and then this happened.....

    DarkArchivist wrote:But I have to say that some things I've seen to me would be considered UNSIM are just "playing ball".. To me, if you play great zone defense,, then play it. If you play great man-D,, then play it. If you run a zone blitzing scheme.. Then do it. Each defense still has pros and cons.. Ray Lews said there's been times they would play a game in one defense the whole game... When Tampa Bay had Warren Sapp, they lived and died by the relentless Tampa 2in some cases not even going to the huddle.. IDK, just shit I was thinking about.

    Thats good shit right there. Is it possible we could be too sim that its unsim? Now thats some shit to talk about.

    Post Sat 04 Jan 2014, 6:20 pm by DarkArchivist

    @burnt-- I didn't dig it up! The thread was just sitting there dying for my input, lol Smile but i'm glad you understand my thoughts.

    @chrebet.. I feel ya man.. Do your thang. Im luvin this shit!

    Post Sat 04 Jan 2014, 6:20 pm by chrebet1024


    Post Sat 04 Jan 2014, 6:23 pm by chrebet1024

    guys go TOO FAR SOMETIMES in which it becomes UNSIM.  That is the single most thing that destroys good leagues in my opinion.

    You don't attract talent.
    Guys get sick and tired of having to play other guys because they know they're gonna hear something from them about the game.
    Some guys seem "Hollier than though" because of it.

    Yes we are a SIM league....But be sensible....you know RIGHT AWAY whether or not your playing a guy who is a COMPLETE TURD or not. 

    If you have to THINK ABOUT IT (whether he is playing SIM)....odds are, he is.

    Post Sat 04 Jan 2014, 6:24 pm by str8coach

    Lol.. Good point BC.. I believe if we try to justify everything done in Madden the way it is done on Sundays, then we run the reisk of being unsim. I think we can be close, but some things need to be ruled in the way that fits madden and sim play, that ultimately will keep everyone sim.. I think, the good news, is that we can emulate stats to the real life stats we see on Sundays for the most part, but we have to be careful..

    Post Sat 04 Jan 2014, 6:25 pm by chrebet1024

    BurntCabbage wrote:Damnit Dark, you just had to dig up this thread huh?  Twas almost buried   Mad 

    This is the most pointless thread ever.  There is nothing to see here........

    .....and then this happened.....

    DarkArchivist wrote:But I have to say that some things I've seen to me would be considered UNSIM are just "playing ball".. To me, if you play great zone defense,, then play it.  If you play great man-D,, then play it. If you run a zone blitzing scheme.. Then do it. Each defense still has pros and cons.. Ray Lews said there's been times they would play a game in one defense the whole game... When Tampa Bay had Warren Sapp, they lived and died by the relentless Tampa 2in some cases not even going to the huddle.. IDK, just shit I was thinking about.

    Thats good shit right there.  Is it possible we could be too sim that its unsim?  Now thats some shit to talk about.

    Thats GREAT SHIT right there....yes 100% agree.

    I only CHARTED all of my defensive plays to SHOW him that what he's seeing is completely ridiculous.  24 zone, 20 man.  Now while its ok NOT to have that ratio....it was only me making a point.

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